Thursday 27 September 2012


We have a small family of chickadees who visit the deck many times during the day. They are lovely birds, flitting in and out of the wisteria bush, eating a few nuts and then flying off to the trees on the other side of the pond.

They and the downy woodpeckers have equal rights amongst our feeders and its wonderful to watch them all taking turns.
The chipmunks seem baffled by the hanging nut feeder and stare almost mournfully down at it every day: it all seems beyond their reach and so they tuck into the seeds piled on the timbers of the deck.
There has been no further sign of the Cooper's Hawk since the other day... 

These plants growing on the sides of the gorge we visited the other day, reminded me that I am always attracted to things that grow in unlikely places, the thrift on the rocks by the sea in Scotland, these plants on this vertical plane, a fungus on the bark of a tree, all remind me to grow where I am planted.

In this season of my life, newly planted, about to put down roots, I am finding a new joy in all that is about to be revealed. I am reminded that however unlikely the twists and turns of my life, I have always been provided with the light, the nutriment, and the earth in which to grow...

As we are about to break ground....
I am excited about the seeds that will be sown...
The new growth that will begin.

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