Tuesday 5 June 2012


We saw our house for the last time yesterday... and of course, it already bears the imprint of its new owners. Today we parted company with the Golf... our trusty companion for 107,200 miles over the last 7 years.
This photograph taken of shadows projected on our living room blinds some years ago reminds me of the stuff of memory and imagination...
and like echoes of sounds these shadows are all that remain for a while.


Through the extraordinary journey from moment to moment, through relationships, to place and other people, I am aware that focus shifts, often dramatically, but mostly with a degree of subtlety and complexity.

What we are conscious of is only a small part of the complete picture.

When sadness, or shadows seem to abound, it takes only a flash of illumination to transform the experienced. 

Love has created the sorrows and joys of these moments I am now living; without it I would not be feeling the sense of loss and grief so powerfully part of my daily life, and because of it I press on, knowing that in answering the heart's whisperings my life is made whole. 

I am certain that it is not possible to have one without the other, the shade and the light are the same.



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