Thursday 28 June 2012

A Magnificent Day...

Today, the Supreme Court of the USA voted in favour of the Affordable Care Act of the Obama Administration... 
To those on the other side of the pond it is difficult to convey just how significant this is for this country.
Today I heard news that my efforts as a GP for the last year have been struck down by ridiculous target based bureaucracy and that money will be clawed back for our efforts. I am still unfortunately immured in the stupidity of the system in the UK that values targets over real medicine and I will have to find funds to bridge the difference. 

Thankfully I had anticipated such madness...
but I am so grateful to be removed from it all right now and to celebrate the change here in America. 
And to be very far away from it all.

This image of one of the wind sculptures here in the garden  reminds me of the spirals of Aesculapius... the ancient Greek God of medicine.
It shines in the light, and is a symbol of the art of medicine.


So...I was very proud to be and American today, proud to see the judicial branch of government acting independently, mostly relieved that those who most need support and care will receive last.

Health is something I value greatly, I am the daughter of a breast cancer survivor, I have friends, like sisters to me, who are breast cancer survivors, some in the UK, some in the USA....they are all now, entitled to care, and entitled to the peace of mind that goes with that entitlement.

In the midst of the utter madness that has been American politics in my lifetime, today I felt deep peace. This system of governing is not perfect, not by any means...but it is evolving, emergent, growing with each generation. 

Earlier this evening, during a free bluegrass concert on Ithaca Commons, this man embodied what I felt. 

The music is energetic, all around him are in motion...but, he sits, meditating, committing to being in the moment. 

The connection between this image and my spirit this day, following this landmark might seem obscure...but, I am so very much at peace. We are, indeed, forming a more perfect union....always...


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