Saturday 1 December 2012

Second Floor

This is the view of the bedroom windows... there is a small nook underneath the eastern wall which we hope to use a space for humming bird feeders and other bird feeders.
There will be a fourth window which is not yet cut out...
Monday, the roof joists will be lowered by a giant crane.

The crew are magnificent, and it seems to take much more than snow to stop them!
Our pond is still frozen over.

This will be the view from the garden, the living room on the left, sunroom on the right and our bedroom above. 

The house gave us our next life lesson seems we have to alter the positioning of the windows in our master bedroom...the roof trusses don't allow for the singleton on the, new plan, 4 windows on the back, 2 doubles, an echo of the living room wall (sans fireplace).

The great news, it's all OK, life is a lot like this. Things most always begin with a vision, a mental picture and then...every once in a while....well, actually, more often than not...that original picture changes, alters and we make the necessary adjustments.

I had a good friend in NYC who said, "God creates us yellow. We say we like blue. God says, I'll work with green..." Gotta love that...

Always choose to work with shades of green...

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