Monday 27 August 2012

Deep Reflections...

There's something about water and  reflections that captures the imagination in ways that are difficult to describe... its as if the reflections of the outer world are transformed into an inner recollection of a dream.

So what is it about this watery place?
A chance to reflect and recollect?
Perchance to dream?
Today we signed our builder's contract... and now wait, a little anxiously, for a mortgage approval. 
Step by step we will step out upon uncertain waters.

When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long
And you think that love is only for the lucky 
And the strong

Just remember, in the winter
Far beneath the winter snows
Lies the seed, that with the sun's love
In the spring becomes the rose

These words, written by my beautiful friend Amanda McBroom, speak to me this day, partnered with this picture of the flower outside our front door.

I am reminded in both, that life is often brutal, painful and lonely.

And, in her tender lyrics, lie the path I know to surviving this kind of pain. 

Amanda, in her great wisdom, reminds me that underneath the frozen and unmoving earth, often there is something hidden, something pending, something about to be born.

In this I find great comfort and encouragement.

Life is incredibly transient and precious.

Today, I found out that the husband of a friend from my high school days, also a friend, died suddenly, tragically, in his 50's. 

I pray for her comfort, for their children, and their grandchildren.

And I pray that, in her winter, she will feel the warmth of spring.

Blessings Eileen.


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