Sunday 8 July 2012

Changing Times...

Grocery shopping here in the US is a totally different experience from the UK.
Our local Wegmans store is the size of a football field and the vegetable section alone is larger than the entire Waitrose we were used to in Dorking.

Here is the cheese section!

Last night I woke at about 3 am with the full moon glowing softly in the southern sky... and then I spotted a dark shape moving amongst the wisteria bush above the deck.
It was a racoon... and, when it saw me, it slunk away into the darkness without a sound.
This morning we discovered that our entire suet cage (including the suet) had gone! 
Truly, a masked thief in the night.


We bought a new computer when we arrived here and one of its gifts is to allow us to set our screensaver as a slide show of images from our personal photographs....this one popped up today...

It catches me by surprise to see Paddington in our lives here, even in photographic moments...all of it seem seems oddly so far away, England, the cool, the rain, the life I inhabited only weeks ago.

Paddy would have struggled with this heat, his coat was much more suited for the winter, the Arctic...but he would seen that racoon off last night!

How deeply the connections we hold dear, how quickly the heart is stirred, how gently the need to hold life while in transition.


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