Saturday 14 April 2012

Dreams, Oceans and Tides...

14 years ago I first saw Titanic and was captured by the drama and the story of the protagonist, Rose. Today, Judy and I saw the film again in 3D and it was still as gripping for all of the passage of time. But it was the sight of the Statue of Liberty in the closing moments of the film that struck home today, because in 7 short weeks time we will be entering New York Harbour at around 7 am and will be seeing her before we dock in Brooklyn, a potent symbol of hope and of new beginnings.

And perhaps this season of our life is especially oceanic right now, because last night I dreamed that Judy and I were staying by the sea, which was separated from us by a deep canyon. Only the immense waves were growing higher and higher as they poured over the canyon, threatening to flood everything in sight. We sought safety in a small aircraft piloted by an itinerant character who flew us up and over the raging seas and into clouds that seemed like water…


There are constancies in life to remind me that paradox is inevitable.

The erosion of the earth as water carves a small stream to the sea meeting the unending lullaby of the tides, and then, the waves from that ocean, which pound the stones at water’s edge create more sand that is washed into the depths.


These words are linear; most of my early thinking about my birth, life and death was linear. My actual experience of life is not so. I have found life to be more circular in nature, a breath is not complete without an inhalation and an exhalation, a seed can only be produced from a flower that has blossomed, and even then it must break the hard coating that has enveloped it, protecting  it from harm until external circumstances are optimum for growth. 

Different moments on the journey, but they are all part of the same journey.

We take hold. And we let go. Both are necessary for wholeness and completion.


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