Thursday 22 November 2012


Today, we've returned home to the cottage from Rochester. Driving back in glorious evening light, the colours on lake Cayuga were spectacular. Overhead, huge skeins of geese flew onwards, some westerly, some southerly.
At Aurora, the light was particularly intense, lending a cut-out sense to the lakeside trees.
But it was too late to stop by the house. 
These photos were taken on Monday showing the first floor West wall taking shape.


Another view of the western wall on Monday...

The internal frames will be where windows are eventually, but with winter approaching, our designer/builder says they leave the sides solid until the actual windows arrive on site (as a cold-weather/cold-wind deterrent for the workmen).

Nicholas' photograph also shows the bump out on the southern wall which will eventually be the chimney for the gas fire. 

We have a few more days of unseasonably fair weather in the forecast and then....cold nights, rain and quite possibly hope that we will see much more done when we arrive at Applewood Lane tomorrow morning. 

What thanks we both feel in this season of our lives.

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