Thankfully our neighbour has allowed us to use their internet... and we can connect.
But it makes us remember how crucial connectivity is... with so much required via email and so on, it's like being stranded on a desert island without any way off.
It is difficult to imagine the time when we couldn't simply pick up a phone and dial a number and connect to someone across the ocean, or send a document via fax, or even better pdf, email, FB, instant message, Skype...but, not so many years ago, Nicholas and I communicated predominantly via handwritten letters, all of which will be coming with us on the journey-we can't bear to think of them lost in a container somewhere.
This "event" with our internet provider has demanded that we actually speak to our neighbour in person and ask for help, that we connect, that we actually reach out in a physical form. And, our fantastic next-door neighbours met our immediate needs with grace and understanding and generosity. Ahhhh....community...a non-virtual necessity!
The labyrinth above is the one at Stony Point in New York State. It was walked by us and a number of our guests at our wedding weekend and we subsequently walked it when we visited in the years following. There is a labyrinth of a similar design on Iona, which I walked just last week.
One step at a time...this life I am leading is one...step...at...a...time....
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