Our birds have become quite dependant on us over the years, and Sooty (our blackbird), his partner, the five or so Sweeps (sparrows), two nuthatches, two collared doves and those dozy old wood pidgeons have become a vital part of our menagerie. But I am not pleased with the cat and shall do my best to keep it away.

12 bags of shredded papers have been delivered to the dump today and not a moment too soon: the three shredders need frequent rests because they cut out after about ten minutes and it has been a monumental task getting rid of twelve years of paperwork.
Its a fabulous sense of 'feng shui' clearing... saying goodbye to all those tax receipts and expenditure records from so long ago. And, this is what our new life is all about... a blank canvas, a starting out refreshed, renewed, revived.
This time a two years ago, one of our most beautiful irises was just developing, but this year because of the cold weather there's no sign of it at all...
This is the picture I must hold in my head...a beautiful ray of light coming through the storm of unpredictability and uncertainty.
Nicholas has an uncanny ability to wait just long enough for the light, for the moment, for the darkness to give way...I am grateful he is my life's companion, that my destiny is, in more than a small way, linked to his.
For, above almost all else...this sort of photograph is all about the patience of the photographer, the willingness of the spirit behind the lens to wait until this kind of event occurs.
We are waiting for a lot of moments right now, so very many things have to be in synch for us to board the ship bound for our future in the USA.
How grateful I am that my husband is by my side today...for today, when I see mostly clouds...he reminds me that something amazing is there, right there, behind them...