The evening light was gentle and spectacular... lifting my spirits as the day drew to a close.

I arrived at the house at 4pm to find the crew had gone for the day; but they had been hard at work, with sheet rocks stacked and ready to place.
And melting icicles falling from the roof.
Here is a photograph of our bedroom with all the insulation now trimmed and the sheet rock boards ready for hanging and the ceiling in...
And, here is Nicholas' painting studio, the ceiling is in and the first walls are going up. Amazing!
And below is one of the photos Nicholas took tonight at Stewart Park, the sun's rays washed the tree trunks and the distant hills in a rosy pink. The sun is beginning to melt the snows of December, and we are both delighted that it was light until well past 5:30 tonight...reminding us, once more of how much further south we now live. In London today, the sun rose at 8 am and set at 4:11, here we had the beginning of day at 7:30, with the sun setting at 5:45...nearly two hours more light makes a big big difference in early January!
The silhouettes of the willows on Cayuga's shores take me back to our first days here, when these shores were lined with Scottish-American immigrants and the air was filled with bagpipe playing and the temperatures were near 100 degrees...and now, in mid-winter...we await the season of spring with hope and anticipation and hearts full of wonder.
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